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Alternatives To "NO", Strategies For Managing Behavior Positively.

Nobody likes to hear "no" least of all a cranky toddler or a child with a language delay.

Not only that, it doesn't make us feel good to be saying it a lot.

Here are some EASY ways to say "no" less often:

  • Childproof - if your baby/toddler keeps going for things that are forbidden, try to eliminate those things, where possible. Research has shown children who can explore freely, learn to control their behavior better.

  • Use a positive approach - Focus on what your child CAN do for example - instead of; "no, get down, stop climbing on the table"; while you physically move the child (if necessary), you can say "uh oh, tables are not for climbing". Keep in mind, your child's behavior is telling you something, in this case that they need physical activity - try to redirect to a similar activity.

  • Distract - Instead of saying "no" distract your child to another activity, preferably a similar activity. If your child is making a mess at the sink and you want to redirect them, try another activity that's tactile sensory related like play doh, kinetic sand, slime.

Try saying: "we're all done with the water right now, but you CAN play playdoh or color".

  • Give a choice - For example; your child keeps running away when it's time for pajamas; instead of running after them or getting into a tussle, next time try; "it's time to get ready for bed, do you want to brush teeth or put on pajamas first"? or any choice around bedtime that you think is appropriate. Also, don't give a choice when there isn't one; instead of; "do you want to get ready for lunch"?, say; "it's time for lunch, let's wash our hands". Incorporate action with this such as; take their hand and move towards sink.

  • Give warnings before activity changes - this is a big one! Parents are busy people and sometimes they for get to "warn" their child when they have to stop playing and get ready to go. If this is an issue for you, use verbal warnings, a timer, or maybe a visual cue (such as a picture of where you're going or who you're going to see.

  • Reinforce behaviors you like - catch your child doing good!! We often pay attention to negative behavior more, because it's in our face, and let's be honest, sometimes we are outraged by it!! However, don't forget what you pay attention to, you reinforce. We tend to ignore our children when they're quietly playing or otherwise doing what they're supposed to be doing, but that's the very time we should pay attention and reinforce!!!

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